Effects Of Addition Of Oleic Acid And Propylene Glycol Enhancer On The Physical Properties And Sunscreen Activity Of Preparations Lotion Carrot Extract (Daucus Carota L.)

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Dessy Erliani Mugita Sari (*) dessyerlyani2@gmail.com
Putri Mayangsari
Rakhmi Hidayati
Sri Fitrianingsih

(*) Corresponding Author


Carrots contain β-carotene which can function as an antioxidant which has the ability to fight singlet oxygen and interact with free radicals. Carrot extract lotion is formulated with a variety of oleic acid and propylene glycol enhancers which are used to increase or reduce skin impermeability. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of adding oleic acid and propylene glycol enhancers on the physical characteristics and effect on the sunscreen activity of carrot extract (Daucus carota L.) lotion. The solvent used in the extraction is 96% ethanol. The research was carried out by making differences in the concentrations of oleic acid and propylene glycol in each formula, namely FI (10 oleic acid), F II combination (5% oleic acid and 5% propylene glycol) and F III (10% propylene glycol). Physical characteristic tests include organoleptic (shape, odor, color), homogeneity test, pH test, adhesion test and spreadability test. The extraction obtained from 7500 grams of wet simplicia became 580 grams after drying and then became a thick extract of 67.3 grams with a yield of 11.60%. The results were analyzed using SPSS, the results showed a normal and homogeneous distribution, namely p>0.05. The SPF test results showed p>0.05, which means normal distribution and the homogeneity test was p<0.05, which means the data was not homogeneous and continued with the Kruskal Wallis test and continued Mann Whitney test. Meanwhile, the normality and homogeneity test in the spreadability and stickiness test was p> 0.05 and continued with the Tukey test with a confidence level of 95%.


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How to Cite
Sari, D. E. M., Mayangsari, P., Hidayati, R., & Fitrianingsih, S. (2023). Effects Of Addition Of Oleic Acid And Propylene Glycol Enhancer On The Physical Properties And Sunscreen Activity Of Preparations Lotion Carrot Extract (Daucus Carota L.). Proceeding Cendekia International Conference Health and Technology, 1, 553–558. Retrieved from https://proceedings.centamaku.ac.id/article/view/78