Analysis Of Pharmaceutical Technical Personnel Needs Based On Workload By Method Workload Indicator Of Staffing Need At Sunan Holy Islamic Hospital
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Human resource planning is one of the main functions of an organizational leader in determining its success. Institutions need manpower to carry out their duties properly so as to produce a balance between the amount of manpower needed and their workload activities. Workload is the number of types of work that must be completed by professional health workers in one year in one health service facility. The workload is said to be heavy because the main tasks are too many, causing an imbalance between the amount of energy and the workload. The purpose of this study was to analyze the number of pharmaceutical technical personnel needed in the Outpatient Pharmacy Installation Room 1 and Room 2 RSI Sunan Kudus using the WISN (Workload Indicator Staffing Need) method. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research with a cross sectional research design. Research instruments in the form of interviews, work sampling forms, and document review guidelines. The results obtained from the study were that there was a shortage of pharmaceutical technical staff at the Outpatient Pharmacy Installation of RSI Sunan Kudus as many as 12 people at room 1 and 10 people at room 2. These results were obtained based on calculating the workforce requirements using the WISN method. The WISN ratio shows a result of 0.4 at room 1 and room 2. This means that the number of pharmaceutical technical personnel is still insufficient compared to the existing workload. It can be concluded that the room 1 and room 2 Outpatient Pharmacy Installations at Sunan Kudus Islamic Hospital still have a shortage of pharmaceutical technical personnel in overcoming the existing workload
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