Antiinflammatory Effect Of 96% Ethanol Extract Of Catharanthus Roseus Leaf In Carrageenin-Induced Male Rat

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Dian Arsanti Palupi (*)
Rifda Naufa Lina
Hasty Martha Wijaya
Ike Vera Dwi Nur Azis Slamet
Annis Rahmawaty

(*) Corresponding Author


Inflammation is the process of the body's response to adverse stimuli caused by various harmful agents such as infections, antibodies, or physical injuries. Catharanthus roseus plant is one of the plants that is thought to have an anti-inflammatory effect because Catharanthus roseus Leaf contains flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, and tannins. This study aims to determine the anti-inflammatory effect of ethanol extract Catharanthus roseus Leaf on foot edema of male white rats. This study was an experimental study using 25 male white rats divided into 5 groups. Mice were induced using 1% carrageenan subplantar. In the treatment group doses I, II, and III were given ethanol extract of Catharanthus roseus Leaf at doses of 100 mg, 200 mg, and 400 mg/Kg BW, negative controls were given 0.1% NaCMC and positive controls were given Diclofenac Sodium. The treatment was carried out for 3 hours and the treatment was administered orally with a volume of 5 ml. The research results were analyzed using SPSS with One Way ANOVA and the results obtained were p=0.000. Then the LSD Post Hoc test was carried out which showed no significant difference between the positive control and the 400mg/KgBB group. Therefore it can be concluded that the effective dose of ethanol extract from Catharanthus roseus Leaf which has an anti-inflammatory effect is 400 mg/KgBW.


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How to Cite
Palupi, D. A., Lina, R. N., Wijaya, H., Slamet, I. V. D. N. A., & Rahmawaty, A. (2023). Antiinflammatory Effect Of 96% Ethanol Extract Of Catharanthus Roseus Leaf In Carrageenin-Induced Male Rat. Proceeding Cendekia International Conference Health and Technology, 1, 114–120. Retrieved from