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Gardha Rias Arsy (*)
Wafda Nailil Muna
Sri Hindriyastuti

(*) Corresponding Author


Background: Entering old age is a stage that every individual cannot avoid. The natural aging process is characterized by a decline in physical, cognitive and psychological abilities in old age. One of the diseases that elderly people often experience is stroke, both hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. Stroke is a disease that disrupts brain function, if left untreated and untreated it can cause death. The health problems experienced by a stroke person not only disturb the physical aspect but also the psychological one which will have an impact on the psychosocial condition. Objective: To explore the experiences of elderly stroke patients with psychosocial problems. Method: The type of research used is qualitative research using a phenomenological approach. The selection of participants was carried out using a purposive sampling method. Participants in this research were 5 elderly people in Bakalan Village. Data collection techniques in this research were observation, interviews and documentation, with 13 open question points. Data analysis techniques used in this research include: 1) Reading and Re-reading; 2) Initial Noting; 3) Developing Emergent Themes; 4) Searching for Relationships between Emergent Themes; 5) Moving the Next Cases; 6) Looking for Patterns in Various Cases; and 7) Taking Interpretations to Deeper Levels. Research Results: Based on the research analysis, 2 main themes were found, namely: (1) Spiritual Approach, (2) Optimal Family of Support System. Conclusion: Strokes that attack the elderly cause increased dependency in the elderly. So strokes experienced by the elderly not only disturb the physical aspect but also psychological aspects and will have a psychosocial impact.


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Gardha Rias Arsy, Wafda Nailil Muna, Sri Hindriyastuti, & Ambarwati. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND SPIRITUAL APPROACHES IN PALLIATIVE CARE FOR STROKE PATIENTS. Proceeding Cendekia International Conference Health and Technology, 2, 121–128. Retrieved from


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